10 questions help build self-confidence in children
Positive education which helps build self-confidence in children.
The journey of building your child’s personality starts from the first moments of his life. All parents aspire to raise a selfconfident child, and because we like to facilitate the parenting journey, we have collected 10 questions to boost your child
Can the parents strengthen their children’s confidence?
Self-esteem can start as early as childhood and develop slowly over time.
Self-confidence begins to form when a child feels safe, loved and accepted.
There are practices that play a role in enhancing your child’s self-confidence, such as:
Mentioning his virtues in front of others
Talk to him like an adult
Ask for his opinion and make him aware of its importance
Experiment with new skills and hobbies
Involve him in community activities
Give him a weekly expense
Give him some responsibilities
10 questions to ask your child how to boost self-confidence
1.What do you like about yourself?
This question encourages self-knowledge and self-respect, and can be an excellent opportunity to discuss the importance of your
child’s opinion over others’ opinions.
2. What distinguishes you?
This question encourages your child to realize his strengths, and to search for his skills that give him self-confidence.
3. What are the things make you proud?
Reminding the child of his achievements encourages him to value himself and overcome moments of disappointment. Remind
him of the effort he made to achieve his goal and how many times he tried to achieve what he is proud of today.
4. Is there anything nice you could say to yourself? Through this question, it can be a way for your child to say words of love and
praise to himself, a way to make him think of all the times that you have treated him in a good way, and makes him think of his
achievements and all the things he has done.
5. What makes you a good friend? This question helps your child to discover his good qualities that make him a good friend to
others. Which makes him focus on strengthening these qualities and thus improving the quality of his relationships and enhancing
his social life.
6. What do you like most about yourself? We can grow up and the days and years revolve around us without asking or
thinking about such a question, but a question like this can make us love ourselves more and I mean by love here positive
and healthy love, so this question can be a good way to form and build confidence for your child.
7. Complete the sentence: “I know I am loved because…” Each of us has something that distinguishes him from others, by
asking this question to your child, you are making him think deeply and search in the depths of his soul for the qualities that
make him a beloved person. Help him realize that his self-satisfaction is the most important thing, which is what makes others
respect and love him.
8. What do you love and makes you feel happy? Some kids will say that playing video games make them feel happy, which
is actually a good thing. Recent studies show that there are indeed many psychological benefits of gaming. The goal of this
question is to draw your child’s attention to things that make him or her happy and to open his eyes to new activities that
bring him happiness.
9. What do you think of this situation? Ask him what he thinks about everything. Always search for a topic worth discussing,
whether a simple picture from the Internet, a video from animal world, or an event in the garden.
Because dialogue and effective communication with the child is the basis of a good personality and give him the
confidence to express his opinion in front of others.
10. What do you want? Help him to know himself and make decisions and choices to analyze them logically.
This will build a positive habit that will stick with him even when he grows older.

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