Motivation and encouragement: a golden way to accomplish tasks positively
What do we mean by motivation and encouragement?
The child makes a lot of effort to perform his duties or tasks, but he may not get the desired result and he needs his parents
to be by his side to encourage him to go on and sometimes to overcome disappointment.
Motivation is not just telling words, but rather their surroundings too. For example, encouragement to study includes creating
an environment that helps him study in a quiet home, an equipped study room, a daily schedule so that he knows what is
expected for him, and finally praising comes when he finishes doing his homework by his own.
How can I motivate my child?
-Acts of worship such as praying on time, reading Quran, and practicing fasting during Ramadan.
-Studying and do their homework on their own.
-Reading and making it as a hobby since childhood.
– Practicing sports and movement games.
What is the difference between praising and encouraging a child?
Praise focuses on the end result.
As for encouragement, it focuses on the effort, discipline, training and attempts that the child is trying to acheive something
even when if he does not reach the desired result.
Your support for your child before achievement gives him the motivation to continue actively. Don’t make your presence
beside him for praise only; Rather, share the journey with him by motivating and reminding him of your love, no matter what
he did.
Golden tips about motivation and encouragement
1| Share with him the planning and decision
When you choose your child’s daily routine, participate with him in every step so that he realizes that the decision is for him,
such as setting a time to memorize spelling words, or a time to read. It also makes it easier for him to complete his tasks
because he knows what is expected of him.
2| Don’t use food as a reward
Whether it is sweets or fast food, choosing food as a reward develops in the child an unhealthy relationship with eating.
Forbidden food becomes more desirable, and the habit of eating certain foods and associating them with achievements
increases the possibility of your child to get attached to unhealthy meals or to have a negative body because of junk food.
3| Praise the effort, not just the result
This is the difference between praising and encouraging the child, if the praise focuses on the result, don’t forget the effort
he made even if he did not achieve the desired goals, for example, say to him: “I am glad that you tried more than once, I
love your persistence!” and “It takes great discipline to get to this point!”
4| Calm down
One of the most important foundations of positive education is patience and avoiding yelling at the child. You may find
that he is procrastinating in accomplishing his task, but yelling is not a positive way of encouragement. Rather that, be a
model for controlling feelings and understanding. Here comes your turn to sternly encourage him by saying, “I know you find
the homework long, but you also know that the teacher counts the grades and you want to get an excellent results this year
as last year!” “Come on champ, I know you have persistence and can finish homework now so you can go to the garden
5| communication
Deep and meaningful conversations are very necessary for your child. Always try to answer his questions and satisfy his
Logical analysis and communication are among the positive methods of discipline that help him realize the importance of
the task entrusted to him, such as reading every day.
6| Avoid intimidating
Avoid sayings: “The teacher will give you a zero in the test!” These threats are never encouraging or motivating the child to
complete his tasks with love and care.
7 | Don’t comparing him
Comparing your child to others is not a way to encourage him, it is a means of frustration and showing jealousy and hatred
in the chlid’s heart.
But the positive comparison is by comparing his current achievement with the previous achievement in order to evaluate his
performance and realize the way that suited him and made his performance better.

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