child play

Play is the key to learning and development for children. Through it, the child discovers his environment and gets to know his various elements and stimuli.

He discovers himself, knows his position and location, and learns his roles and the roles of the adults and peers who surround him.

 He also learns about his culture and the culture of his society and its values and develops his abilities and the different thinking skills that he needs in his journey on the path of growth and development. Through play, the child acquires a lot of information that is difficult to acquire from school books. Play is an informal school for social relations, and the language also acquires vocabulary, conventions, and phrases, as a basic and important tool of interaction and communication with the human elements in the environment, therefore, play occupies an important place in the child’s education.

Play provides the opportunity for the child to learn a set of new skills, including experimentation, exploration, and imitation, which helps him to complete the developmental tasks of the age he is going through.  Playing and learning at an early age helps children discover themselves and the world, and helps them prepare for primary education.

 It is clear that the modern educational system has begun to deprive many children of the opportunity to play because of the many educational duties that they are assigned, and on the other hand, we find that many parents consider playing at this stage a waste of time. However, scientific studies confirm that play has important functions for the child, and it also gives children the opportunity to test their abilities when interacting with the environment.

 Therefore, it is necessary during the childhood period that parents choose their children’s games carefully, and that the game is not just a means to distract the child to spend his free time, or while the parents or those who care for him are busy, but the game should be purposeful and educational whenever possible, such as intelligence development games.

On the other hand, different types of play give the child mental health. Many types of play are beneficial for mental health, such as:1- Exploratory play that suits every child and his age, including games for the development of thought, games for building things through puzzles, as well as games with colors, drawing, and clay that develop visual synergy and movement as well as develop the small muscles of the hands, which is considered the first language for writing in the later years.2- Intellectual play, which helps the child to understand a lot about himself and the society around him, cooperation, and self-confidence, such as ball games, slides, and mazes.3- Imaginative play, is a type in which the child imagines that he is a teacher, father, mother, or doctor, and at the time of play the child represents the feelings of anger, fear, and pleasure, and so it is a way out of the psychological problems that the child falls into in his life. 4- In the family play, the family, whether the father or mother, must join in games such as intellectual or computer games because the child’s participation in a game makes between you intimacy and warmth in dealing, which strengthens communication between parents and children.

Finally, if you are interested in your child and seek to develop his intelligence through play, we offer you a wonderful opportunity to visit the Kooki wanna be store and choose a group of distinctive intelligence games that will help him learn quickly and without getting bored. Do not hesitate to visit our website


women playing with her child

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